The Refrigerator Hunt

Ive been shopping around for a new fridge since the last two months. I needed a roomier model large enough to stash away unused grocery while I am away from home a month or two. A lot of my kitchenware has handles, and it was getting difficult to refrigerate these pots and pans with leftovers.

I had heard about the new design with the freezer at the bottom, that minimises the need to bend, every time you want tomatoes from the veggie tray – so I decided to give it a try.

The lone model that met these needs was Hitachi. The fridge is on top, and the veggie tray and freezer are drawer-like compartments. Quite a novel concept – except, the drawers have a great storage space – much more than necessary. On the contrary, the refrigeration section was a little smaller than my current 225L .

All the other models in the 400L – 425L category were the standard 2 door variety – in white or metallic gray. Whirlpool had a little bit of glitter on the door handle, bit other than that, the models hardly had any aesthetic differentiation.

For years, research has been telling us, not to store eggs on the door-side shelf. But modern refrigerator design seems to be extremely conservative in that sense, with the egg container firmly placed on the top shelf on the door-side. Samsung was the only one which actually had a free container that can be placed any where.

So finally, it was the Samsung that came home. An LG or whirlpool wouldnt have been too different either, Whilpools’s green tinted interiors retro interiors put me off. As for LG, Ive had a bad experience with their servicing for my home theatre – and Ive vowed never to buy any LG product again!

A lot of scope out there for designing refrigerators. I hope some product designers are listening!


2 Responses to “The Refrigerator Hunt”

  1. Shachii Says:

    We had a similar refrigerator hunt a few years back… The Whirlpool one fit the bill for us…
    But the one thing in your post caught my eye.. Why would one not place eggs in the door??? They’ve been there all my life and I’ve never had a problem with that…

    The ones with the Freezer at the bottom are the most common kind in UK. Every house seems to have that kind of model.

    My 2 cents..


  2. sugarprachi Says:

    Hi Shachii, nice to see you here!

    I’ve read that the fridge door is the warmest place in the whole fridge, and eggs need a cooler place to stay fresh for long. Eggs left on the inside of the door will float in water instead of sinking, and so flunk the egg-freshness test.
    Not that we dunk eggs in water every time we crave an omlette 🙂

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